All Posts Tagged With: "Actress"

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Danneel Harris is the hot starlet from One Tree Hill. You can see more of Danneel in the new movie: Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, scheduled to be released on April 25th. In this interview Danneel reveals some of her beauty secrets, why she loves Los Angles so much, and her obsession with […]

31Mar2008 | | 15 comments | Continued
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Meet the beautiful Maite Schwartz! Maite is the star of the new NBC series “Quarterlife” premiering on NBC Feb 18th and produced by the award-winning producers Edward Zwick and Marshall Hesrkowitz. Her other television credits include: “C.S.I”, “Medium”, “Gilmore Girls”, “Strong Medicine” and “Dexter”. Maite is also an accomplished chef, loves to travel to France […]

31Jan2008 | | 9 comments | Continued