D.G. Elizabeth or Danielle Elizabeth is the author of Diary of Dating, a romantic comedy book that takes us into the world of dating through a diary of a beautiful single woman. She is confident, has no inhibitions, embraces her sexuality and yet…she’s still single. Dating athletes, lawyers and every ‘Joe’ in between, her search for love takes her through a string of hilariously bad dates. Along the way she learns crucial lessons about what it is she really wants in a relationship and in life. A journey through the silly, sexy, playful world of dating and her quest to find Mr. Right.

D.G. Elizabeth grew up in Southern California. She is a Breast Cancer survivor. She donates her time to the organization "Package of Prevention, based in Los Angeles, which is dedicated to educating all individuals regardless of age, race, gender, and income level about cancer prevention and early detection. D.G. developed a love for writing at an early age.

In this interview D.G. Elizabeth talks to Marta Walsh about the inspiration behind her romantic comedy book Diary of Dating, why she can relate to Diary of Dating’s main character, gives advice to all single women, reveals some of her biggest passions in life, and plans for Diary of Dating book 2 and even a script in the making! Find out which female celebrity she would pick for the main role…

What inspired you to write your book: Diary of Dating?
I wanted to give women a more realistic feel into the dating world and let them know they are not alone out there. We all have had (most of us anyway) more crummy dates then good ones! Over and above that fact is that I love to write!

How would you describe Diary of Dating? What’s the book’s premise?
Diary of Dating,   is a heartfelt, thought provoking, romantic comedy. It takes a contemporary look into the world of dating through the eyes of a beautiful single woman, as she keeps a dairy of her dating mishaps and adventures. She´s confident, has no inhibitions, embraces her sexuality and yet…she´s still single. Dating athletes, lawyers and every ‘Joe’ in between, her search for love takes her through a string of hilariously bad dates. Along the way she learns crucial lessons about what it is she really wants in a relationship and in life. It is a journey through the silly, sexy, playful world of dating and her quest to find Mr. Right.

New York City was a big character in Sex and the City. Which city plays a big role in Diary of Dating and do you find some cities tougher for dating than other?
Los Angeles and New York are both mentioned in the book. I think dating can be tough in any city. It seems that so many around the world, city to city, are looking for that one person to share their life with.

How much of yourself is reflected in Diary of Dating’s main character?
Being that I’m single I can certainly relate to the main character in the book, there’s no doubt about that.

If you had to make Diary of Dating the book into a film or a TV Series, which actors or actresses would you pick for the leading roles?
Cameron Diaz could pull off the character in the book. She’s silly, sassy, smart, sexy, kind, she’s also very witty, and has a great goofy side to her in some of her roles, and that’s just whom the character is in the book! Eva Mendes or Sanaa Lathan could pull it off as well. Both are great actors, yet edgy.

What message did you intend to give all single women out there through your book?
To not give up in finding love, to open your heart and dance in the rain when the opportunity is presented and enjoy getting your hair wet!

D.  G.  Elizabeth

Diary of Dating

What is your philosophy about beauty?
As cliché as it is, true beauty comes from within, someone who has the gift to make people feel comfortable in any situation, it’s icing on the cake if someone has the looks to go with their inner beauty,  kindness goes extremely far, inner beauty undoubtedly is the best kind of beauty there is! People who possess a true inner beauty, their eyes shine a little more,  their soul illuminates, their vibe is just different ~

What is your favorite city in the world?
I’ve been blessed to have traveled to some amazing places, St. Barth, The French Rivera, St. Tomas, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, the Caribbean,  Puerto Rico, Cabo, and every time I’m some place, I always say "Oh, this is my favorite place". 

What other passions do you have besides writing?
Chase and Fletcher, the two greatest guys I know!!! As a breast cancer survivor, I am also involved in a non- profit organization called "Package of Prevention" based in Los Angeles, it’s dedicated to educating all individuals regardless of age, race, gender, and income level about cancer prevention and the importance of early detection.

What’s next for Danielle Elizabeth?
The sequel of Dairy of Dating, "Diary of Dating 2", is in the works, a script is being written. Then hopefully film and onward and upward!

It was a pleasure to interview Danielle you can find out more about her at her official website: www.diaryofdatingfromabeautifulsinglewoman.com or purchase the book at Amazon.com

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There Are 25 Responses So Far. »

  1. Wow …your beautiful. What i would give to look like you .
    Good Luck with your book I wish you much success

  2. Simply beautiful

  3. Marta great interview! I really enjoy this site and love all these interviews and beauty tips & reading about the celebrities. This book looks like something I can honestly relate too. The photograph at the bottom of the article is incredible!

  4. I share the below quotes to express to both (1) you as a writer/woman/mother for pursuing your dreams; and to the (2) character of your book for all woman in pursuit of ‘that one’. Luvs, Kate

    “Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.” –
    Napolean Hill

    “The longer I live, the more I am certain that the great difference between the great and the insignificant, is energy – invincible determination–a purpose once fixed, and then death or victory.” – Sir Thomas Bowell Buxton

    “Vitality shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over.” – F Scott Fitzgerald

    “To err is human, to repent divine, to persist devilish.” – Benjamin Franklin

    “If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.” – Dr Samuel Johnson

    “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination.” –
    Tommy Lasorda

  5. this book looks awesome! i love the cover…i wonder if i will get one of those. i can’t wait to read it!
    all my best, sally rae

  6. This writer sounds fasinating. What I appreciate the most is the honesty in this interview.
    This book sounds like a best seller. I can’t wait to buy it and read it.
    I wish this writer the very best! Sounds like she deserves it.

  7. I have read this book….It is truly amazing! The author looks so beautiful!
    Best wishes for a #1 Best seller.

  8. I did read the book and find myself going back to it every once in a while. It has proven itself as a manual that is worthy of women and men alike. Women can get inspiration from it, along with some witty comebacks if they find themselves in similar situations. Guys can use it as a template on how NOT to behave on a date… that is if they want to make it to a second date.

  9. Great article. Hot photos.

  10. Congrats on your book, Thanks for being on LuvChat it was a pleasure having you. I and the rest of the luvchat team wish you nothing but the best for the future.

  11. Congratulations on your book. I could hardly put it down. I’m waiting for #2 and of course the movie. You go girl!

  12. Omg ur so amazing and beautiful it would make supermodels jellious! Your book seems like its about to take of so dont forget to thank the little people, like me, when your a rich and famious author!! So much is coming to you so watch out when it sneeks up on you ;). Good luck in everthing, cant wait for DOD2!

  13. I bet you have some really interesting stories in your book about, of course, dating. Your interview w/Martha has made me curious about the dating life of a “Beautiful Single Woman”. I really need to pick up this book and read it. Good Luck w/your potential new book DOD 2.

  14. Hiya D.G. Elizabeth!!! i just heard you on poorman’s show this evening and i cant wait to read this book!also you are very beutiful, when i grow up i want to be just like you, lol.may you live long and prosper and all of those good things…..

  15. I met Ms. Elizabeth at a cancer fund raiser just recently. I can tell you she is beautiful inside and out. Why hasn’t some man snatched you up already? Thank you for signing my book! Be Blessed!

  16. I loved reading your book and will tell all of my single girlfriends to run out and buy it. I could not put the book down and read it in a matter of hours as it was so much fun to read. Please write another one so we can continue on. Your the best.

  17. What a fabulous attitude about life you have! Can’t wait to read more from such a beautiful woman with such a beautiful and insightful slant on your subject matter. Go big time.

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  19. Deus esteja sempre em primeiro lugar em sua vida………..tenho tanto a lhe dizer, mas acho que nao chegara ate vc este recadeo. Gosto de coraçao do seu programa. sou uma pessoa simpres do interior do estado TO cidade de Colmeia, tenho muitos sonhos e um deles é de ter seios, mas nunca DR poderei diante da minha cituaçao. Mas se algum dia vc quiser presentiar alguem lembre-se de mim.Aquilo que pedimos a Deus crendo e nao duvidando Jesus é fiel e justo para dar……………beijos

  20. A hilarious yet touching book. There was something to take away from every page!

  21. Ms. Elizabeth is one of the most tenacious and inspirational women on the planet. It all turns out the way it’s supposed to…May God be with you as you enjoy each and every second of your success….XO

  22. “Diary of Dating” was a delightful and hilarious book. Every woman in the dating arena should read this book. D.G. is an inspirational woman with an amazing sense of humor.

  23. Great article Marta! Looks like a funny book! And kudos to Danielle Elizabeth for being C-free!

  24. Great writing!! Loved the book…Great job!

  25. I can’t wait to read the book! You look fantastic!